♡ Read it over and over again! ♡

I friend gave the ultimate perspective of how we live our life!
Read it over and over again until it sinks in, is this really why we`re here?

If you work a standard 9-5 these are the horrible statistics!

You will have given 2,912 hours of your life to work per year

As opposed to

1,820 hours per year to be you, spend time with loved ones, recreation etc

If you stay working for 40 years in that job or skipping between 9-5's by retirement age you will have spent

116,480 hours in work

6,988,800 minutes of your life given to working for your boss

As opposed to 72,800 hours for yourself

That's 4,368,000 minutes of your life for yourself, with loved ones etc....

So from a possible of

11,356,800 minutes till your retirement age, nearly 7 million of those minutes are given to your boss....

When did it become acceptable to give over half your life to someone you don't care about so you can earn money to spend the left over time with your loved ones doing what you want with any kind of money you've managed to save in an ever increasingly expensive world??

is this how you want to spend the ONLY chance you get on earth before the shows over???

If you want this life shown above carry on....

If you don't, you have to message me...and together we can plan an alternative life....where you're the one that matters, where you`re the one in in charge!

When you go to bed tonight, think about what matters most to you. 




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